

Posted by Peanut Butter & Jelly Thursday, August 12, 2010 a 4:08 PM 0 Comments

Today I found out that retirement sucks, so I decided to come back in active.
Hi, I'm Peanut Butter, aka Rib, and I decided to return to this blog, better than ever... Yeah, I know, it was never good, but it will be now.
Jelly, aka Zpm or whatever he wants to be called, is away on vacation, so I don't know if he wants to continue this project. I will. I'll even ridicularize situations that occur in ours lives. What's that called, again? Chronicles? No, I'm not that good yet... Let's call it rants. For example, yesterday I went outside to the yard to put away some clothes so that my neighbours' dog doesn't steal them. A bee almost stang me. Conclusion: I hate having to put away clothes.

Ok, so it wasn't funny, but no one said it would be.
Fine, I'll continue with the pics.

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